Abuse Survivors Blog

Justice for Survivors: Care worker sentenced for sexual abuse offences

Written by Tracey Emmott on 23 Jan 2025

AdobeStock_308429830We are proud to be representing the two gentleman who were courageous enough to first report their abuser house parent, Clive Niblett, to Surrey police, in their pursuit of justice and financial restitution.

Niblett preyed on them as vulnerable children in the care of Surrey County Council, exploiting his position of trust as the officer in charge of Burbank Children's Home. It is down to their (and others who came forward subsequently) tenacity and courage, that Niblett was finally brought to justice at Guildford Crown Court, receiving a 12 year sentence on 17th January 2025.

We previously represented other victims of Clive Niblett in compensation claims against local authorities for abuse in children's home, following his earlier prison sentence of eight years at Guildford Crown Court in 2016.

At the sentencing hearing on 17th January at Guildford Crown Court, the judge in the case noted that Niblett's abuse had a 'profound and visceral effect' on his victims, that they were 'entirely blameless', and that all shame should be borne by Niblett. The judge said Niblett used his position of trust as a care worker to systematically abuse vulnerable boys in his care.

Niblett's career in social care spanned over 40 years in a number of local authorities, including Hampshire, Surrey and Essex. Two further complainants have come forward, which Surrey Police are investigating.

Should anyone have any information which might assist with the investigation, please contact Tracey Emmott of this firm on 01234 360140, or by message on this page.

The abuse survivor's guide to making a claim for compensation

Topics: Institutional abuse, Compensation

Tracey Emmott

Written by Tracey Emmott

Tracey Emmott is a solicitor with over 25 years’ experience in personal injury law. Previously she was a partner of a regional firm in the Home Counties.