Abuse Survivors Blog

Sexual Abuse in Further Education Establishments: A Breach of Trust

Written by Jacqui Morton on 17 Oct 2024

At this time of year many young people are returning to or starting further education having left school. Most have good memories of this time and have the benefit of responsible, skilled and knowledgeable teachers/tutors whose priority are their students and their wellbeing. Sadly, there are some who use their position to groom and abuse those in their care. 


Former drama teacher's disappearance: Abuse claims and death in France

Written by Tracey Emmott on 18 Jul 2024

On the 23 May 2023, the body of Melvyn Ramsden (AKA Michel Rameau) was found in Cluis, France, after he had been reported missing for three months. This was confirmed by Cambridgeshire Police.


Witness Appeal – St Francis School for Boys, Hooke, Dorset

Written by Jacqui Morton on 06 Jun 2024

We act for two victims who were sexually assaulted whilst resident at St Francis School for Boys, Hooke, Dorset


The Church at Christmas – a timely reminder

Written by Tracey Emmott on 06 Dec 2023

At the risk of being a bah humbug in the run up to the Christmas season, given that we approach a celebration with great significance to the Christian church, it is appropriate to be reminded of the recommendations made to the Christian church by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“IICSA”) in their scrutiny of abuse in religious institutions.


Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme set to close on 31 December 2023

Written by Jacqui Morton on 13 Nov 2023

The Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme marked its first-year anniversary on 26 September 2023. It was set up to compensate former members of the Jesus Fellowship Church (also known as the Jesus Army) who suffered sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse whilst in the organisation. As previously noted, the scheme was launched on 26 September 2022 and will end on 31 December 2023.


Sexual abuse by a Methodist Minister - An unusual modus operandi

Written by Tracey Emmott on 24 Oct 2023

The concept of modus operandi in the context of sexual assault cases refers to a perpetrator’s behaviours prior to, during, and following sexual abuse.


Back to School: Safeguarding matters

Written by Tracey Emmott on 19 Sep 2023

A new school term and academic year is a timely reminder of the ongoing need to be vigilant on safeguarding matters.

Media coverage of safeguarding failures in schools are salutary reminders of what can go wrong when a blind eye is turned, or when policies and procedures are not complied with. 


Successful out-of-court settlement for a victim of abuse by a choirmaster

Written by Megan Hickey on 31 May 2023

One of Emmott Snell’s clients (hereafter referred to in this article as Mr M, to protect his identity) has successfully obtained an out-of-court settlement after bringing a civil compensation claim against a parish in the Oxford Diocese for sexual abuse he suffered whilst he was a chorister in a church choir. 


Church of England Case Reviews into institutional abuse

Written by Tracey Emmott on 26 May 2023

It is always heartening when any institution chooses to initiate formal scrutiny when something has gone badly wrong. In the Church of England, the House of Bishop’s guidance states that once matters relate to a safeguarding concern or allegation against a church officer have been completed, lessons should be identified and learnt from the case.


Sexual Abuse in The Jesus Army and The Compensation Redress Scheme

Written by Megan Hickey on 03 Nov 2022

Tracey Emmott's note: Subsequent to publishing the blog below on 26th September 2022, the Jesus Army Fellowship Trust launched its compensation scheme for survivors.