Abuse Survivors Blog

Tracey Emmott

Tracey Emmott
Tracey Emmott is a solicitor with over 25 years’ experience in personal injury law. Previously she was a partner of a regional firm in the Home Counties.

Recent Posts

Former drama teacher's disappearance: Abuse claims and death in France

Written by Tracey Emmott on 18 Jul 2024

On the 23 May 2023, the body of Melvyn Ramsden (AKA Michel Rameau) was found in Cluis, France, after he had been reported missing for three months. This was confirmed by Cambridgeshire Police.


Female paedophiles - how prevalent are they?

Written by Tracey Emmott on 12 Jun 2024

In light of the recent conviction of ex-teacher Rebecca Joynes for sex offences against two school boys, it seems an apt time to re-publish our blog discussing the prevalence of female predators (originally published in January 2022).


Sexual Violence Awareness Week – 5-9 February 2024

Written by Tracey Emmott on 19 Feb 2024

Last week we supported the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week by wearing the colour teal. T.E.A.L is an acronym for Togetherness, Empowerment, Advocacy and Learning which are values close to our heart.


Witness Appeal: Children’s entertainer admits sexual offences against boys

Written by Tracey Emmott on 15 Dec 2023

Editor's note: On 10th July 2023, we published a blog urging victims of George Holden (deceased) to come forward as they may be entitled to make a claim on his estate. The court has recently extended the time for victims to come forward. However, this will shortly end. If you were harmed or sexually abused as a child by George Holden and are considering making a civil compensation claim please contact Emmott Snell Solicitors who will be pleased to discuss this further with you.


The Church at Christmas – a timely reminder

Written by Tracey Emmott on 06 Dec 2023

At the risk of being a bah humbug in the run up to the Christmas season, given that we approach a celebration with great significance to the Christian church, it is appropriate to be reminded of the recommendations made to the Christian church by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“IICSA”) in their scrutiny of abuse in religious institutions.


Sexual abuse by a Methodist Minister - An unusual modus operandi

Written by Tracey Emmott on 24 Oct 2023

The concept of modus operandi in the context of sexual assault cases refers to a perpetrator’s behaviours prior to, during, and following sexual abuse.


Back to School: Safeguarding matters

Written by Tracey Emmott on 19 Sep 2023

A new school term and academic year is a timely reminder of the ongoing need to be vigilant on safeguarding matters.

Media coverage of safeguarding failures in schools are salutary reminders of what can go wrong when a blind eye is turned, or when policies and procedures are not complied with. 


An Abuse Survivor's Account - Testimonial from Mrs M

Written by Tracey Emmott on 12 Sep 2023

Mrs M, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse takes the bold step of waiving partial anonymity to share her experience of pursuing justice in the form of a civil compensation claim.


Church of England Case Reviews into institutional abuse

Written by Tracey Emmott on 26 May 2023

It is always heartening when any institution chooses to initiate formal scrutiny when something has gone badly wrong. In the Church of England, the House of Bishop’s guidance states that once matters relate to a safeguarding concern or allegation against a church officer have been completed, lessons should be identified and learnt from the case.


Breaking the silence: Rebekah Vardy on abuse during Jehovah’s Witness childhood

Written by Tracey Emmott on 17 May 2023

Rebekah Vardy’s Channel 4 programme ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses and Me’ in which she alleges that she was sexually abused between the ages of 11 and 15, and that the abuse was covered up by the Jehovah’s Witness leadership in the community of which she was a part, shines a light once again on how reporting of childhood abuse in religious contexts is dealt with, often inadequately.