Abuse Survivors Blog

Successful settlement for a claim brought out of time and without conviction

Written by Megan Hickey on 31 Jul 2024

One of Emmott Snell’s clients (hereafter referred to in this article as “Ms T”, to protect her identity) has successfully obtained an out-of-court settlement after bringing a civil compensation claim against a parish in the Diocese of Chichester for alleged sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of a priest whilst she was a choir member at her local church.


Claiming compensation from the CICA for non-recent child sexual abuse

Written by Jacqui Morton on 22 Feb 2024

Many victims of historical child sexual abuse are eligible to make an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (a government funded organisation that compensates victims of violent crime)for an award of financial compensation.This is particularly importantfor those who are prevented (for whatever reason) from pursuing a civil compensation claim.


An ‘out of time’ CICA application success story

Written by Megan Hickey on 23 Nov 2023

Jeremy Indika contacted Emmott Snell seeking justice for the sexual abuse he had suffered at the hands of his childminder whilst he was a child. We advised him on an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.


Claiming for compensation against the perpetrator of abuse and sexual assault

Written by Jacqui Morton on 03 Nov 2023

Whilst by no means straightforward, it is possible for victims of sexual abuse to pursue their compensation claims against the person who assaulted them if it can be established that the perpetrator has sufficient assets (preferably property) to pay that compensation and legal costs.


Considering the same roof rule in CICA applications

Written by Jacqui Morton on 15 Dec 2022

A recent successful case highlights the importance of the Criminal Injuries Application Scheme and in particular, the abolition of the ‘same roof’ rule, particularly in the context of non-recent sexual abuse cases.


10 common questions about CICA compensation claims

Written by Jacqui Morton on 15 Aug 2019

A victim of crime can make an application for compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) online, by telephone or post.

Information and assistance with this is often provided by agencies such as Victim Support or the police. It is not necessary to use a legal representative, although for more complex claims such as “out of time” child abuse applications applicants often prefer to use a solicitor.