Abuse Survivors Blog

An ‘out of time’ CICA application success story

Written by Megan Hickey on 23 Nov 2023

Jeremy Indika contacted Emmott Snell seeking justice for the sexual abuse he had suffered at the hands of his childminder whilst he was a child. We advised him on an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.


Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme set to close on 31 December 2023

Written by Jacqui Morton on 13 Nov 2023

The Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme marked its first-year anniversary on 26 September 2023. It was set up to compensate former members of the Jesus Fellowship Church (also known as the Jesus Army) who suffered sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse whilst in the organisation. As previously noted, the scheme was launched on 26 September 2022 and will end on 31 December 2023.


Claiming for compensation against the perpetrator of abuse and sexual assault

Written by Jacqui Morton on 03 Nov 2023

Whilst by no means straightforward, it is possible for victims of sexual abuse to pursue their compensation claims against the person who assaulted them if it can be established that the perpetrator has sufficient assets (preferably property) to pay that compensation and legal costs.


Sexual abuse by a Methodist Minister - An unusual modus operandi

Written by Tracey Emmott on 24 Oct 2023

The concept of modus operandi in the context of sexual assault cases refers to a perpetrator’s behaviours prior to, during, and following sexual abuse.


Sexual consent: Should the legal age of consent be raised from 16 to 18 years old?

Written by Megan Hickey on 16 Oct 2023

This question has been circulating in the media since the comedian Russell Brand was accused of sexual assaults against multiple women, including someone who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Brand when she was 16. 


Back to School: Safeguarding matters

Written by Tracey Emmott on 19 Sep 2023

A new school term and academic year is a timely reminder of the ongoing need to be vigilant on safeguarding matters.

Media coverage of safeguarding failures in schools are salutary reminders of what can go wrong when a blind eye is turned, or when policies and procedures are not complied with. 


An Abuse Survivor's Account - Testimonial from Mrs M

Written by Tracey Emmott on 12 Sep 2023

Mrs M, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse takes the bold step of waiving partial anonymity to share her experience of pursuing justice in the form of a civil compensation claim.


The Victims’ Code: What support will victims receive when reporting to the police?

Written by Megan Hickey on 18 Aug 2023

Reporting your abuse to the police is arguably one of the most daunting steps in the process of achieving justice. This was recognised by The Secretary of State for Justice in 2004 when the Victim’s Code of Practice was issued under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 and has been reviewed and improved over the last 19 years.


Revisiting image-based offences in light of recent media reports

Written by Jacqui Morton

The recent reporting in the Sun newspaper of a BBC presenter paying a young man (since he was 17) a substantial amount of money for indecent images has once again shone the spotlight on indecent image offences and alleged abuse by those in the media/entertainment industry


Dog attacks: can I claim compensation for my injuries?

Written by Megan Hickey on 23 Jun 2023

There can be no doubt that being bitten by a dog is a traumatic and frightening experience that can cause debilitating psychological and physical injuries. Physical injuries (caused by a dog bite) are generally visible and recognisable and range from minor wounds to nerve/muscle damage and residual scarring.