Abuse Survivors Blog

Claiming compensation from the CICA for non-recent child sexual abuse

Written by Jacqui Morton on 22 Feb 2024

Many victims of historical child sexual abuse are eligible to make an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (a government funded organisation that compensates victims of violent crime)for an award of financial compensation.This is particularly importantfor those who are prevented (for whatever reason) from pursuing a civil compensation claim.


Sexual Violence Awareness Week – 5-9 February 2024

Written by Tracey Emmott on 19 Feb 2024

Last week we supported the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week by wearing the colour teal. T.E.A.L is an acronym for Togetherness, Empowerment, Advocacy and Learning which are values close to our heart.


The evolution of online grooming and avenues for redress

Written by Megan Hickey on 25 Jan 2024

The grooming process is often a pre-cursor to sexual abuse. It can take place in person or online and can last days, weeks or months. In an era where children have increasing access and exposure to digital platforms the dark reality of online grooming has emerged as a pressing concern.


“New Year, new resolution”: Could 2024 be the year to make the important decision to break the silence about childhood sexual abuse?

Written by Jacqui Morton on 02 Jan 2024

Christmas and New Year is often a time when we reflect on the past and make decisions for our future. For most of this, this is a happy time, and we resolve to make lifestyle changes and make plans for the future. For victims of sexual abuse, this time of the year can be poignant and bring back memories of times that they would rather forget.


Witness Appeal: Children’s entertainer admits sexual offences against boys

Written by Tracey Emmott on 15 Dec 2023

Editor's note: On 10th July 2023, we published a blog urging victims of George Holden (deceased) to come forward as they may be entitled to make a claim on his estate. The court has recently extended the time for victims to come forward. However, this will shortly end. If you were harmed or sexually abused as a child by George Holden and are considering making a civil compensation claim please contact Emmott Snell Solicitors who will be pleased to discuss this further with you.


The Church at Christmas – a timely reminder

Written by Tracey Emmott on 06 Dec 2023

At the risk of being a bah humbug in the run up to the Christmas season, given that we approach a celebration with great significance to the Christian church, it is appropriate to be reminded of the recommendations made to the Christian church by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“IICSA”) in their scrutiny of abuse in religious institutions.


An ‘out of time’ CICA application success story

Written by Megan Hickey on 23 Nov 2023

Jeremy Indika contacted Emmott Snell seeking justice for the sexual abuse he had suffered at the hands of his childminder whilst he was a child. We advised him on an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.


Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme set to close on 31 December 2023

Written by Jacqui Morton on 13 Nov 2023

The Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme marked its first-year anniversary on 26 September 2023. It was set up to compensate former members of the Jesus Fellowship Church (also known as the Jesus Army) who suffered sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse whilst in the organisation. As previously noted, the scheme was launched on 26 September 2022 and will end on 31 December 2023.


Claiming for compensation against the perpetrator of abuse and sexual assault

Written by Jacqui Morton on 03 Nov 2023

Whilst by no means straightforward, it is possible for victims of sexual abuse to pursue their compensation claims against the person who assaulted them if it can be established that the perpetrator has sufficient assets (preferably property) to pay that compensation and legal costs.


Sexual abuse by a Methodist Minister - An unusual modus operandi

Written by Tracey Emmott on 24 Oct 2023

The concept of modus operandi in the context of sexual assault cases refers to a perpetrator’s behaviours prior to, during, and following sexual abuse.