Christmas and New Year is often a time when we reflect on the past and make decisions for our future. For most of this, this is a happy time, and we resolve to make lifestyle changes and make plans for the future. For victims of sexual abuse, this time of the year can be poignant and bring back memories of times that they would rather forget.
“New Year, new resolution”: Could 2024 be the year to make the important decision to break the silence about childhood sexual abuse?
Written by Jacqui Morton on 02 Jan 2024
Witness Appeal: Children’s entertainer admits sexual offences against boys
Written by Tracey Emmott on 15 Dec 2023
Editor's note: On 10th July 2023, we published a blog urging victims of George Holden (deceased) to come forward as they may be entitled to make a claim on his estate. The court has recently extended the time for victims to come forward. However, this will shortly end. If you were harmed or sexually abused as a child by George Holden and are considering making a civil compensation claim please contact Emmott Snell Solicitors who will be pleased to discuss this further with you.
An ‘out of time’ CICA application success story
Written by Megan Hickey on 23 Nov 2023
Jeremy Indika contacted Emmott Snell seeking justice for the sexual abuse he had suffered at the hands of his childminder whilst he was a child. We advised him on an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.
Claiming for compensation against the perpetrator of abuse and sexual assault
Written by Jacqui Morton on 03 Nov 2023
Whilst by no means straightforward, it is possible for victims of sexual abuse to pursue their compensation claims against the person who assaulted them if it can be established that the perpetrator has sufficient assets (preferably property) to pay that compensation and legal costs.
An Abuse Survivor's Account - Testimonial from Mrs M
Written by Tracey Emmott on 12 Sep 2023
Mrs M, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse takes the bold step of waiving partial anonymity to share her experience of pursuing justice in the form of a civil compensation claim.
Breaking the silence: Rebekah Vardy on abuse during Jehovah’s Witness childhood
Written by Tracey Emmott on 17 May 2023
Rebekah Vardy’s Channel 4 programme ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses and Me’ in which she alleges that she was sexually abused between the ages of 11 and 15, and that the abuse was covered up by the Jehovah’s Witness leadership in the community of which she was a part, shines a light once again on how reporting of childhood abuse in religious contexts is dealt with, often inadequately.
Out-of-court settlement for a victim of abuse by a Coventry City care worker
Written by Jacqui Morton on 25 Apr 2023
One of Emmott Snell’s clients (referred to in this article as Mr G to protect his identity) has successfully obtained an out-of-court settlement after bringing a compensation claim against Coventry City Council for sexual abuse he suffered whilst attending a council youth outreach project.
Claiming compensation against a police force for sexual assaults by an officer
Written by Megan Hickey on 06 Apr 2023
A report by the Independent Office for Police Conduct in 2021 found that abuse of powers for a sexual purpose was the largest form of corruption in police forces in England and Wales, and that these referrals had doubled since 2016.
Considering the same roof rule in CICA applications
Written by Jacqui Morton on 15 Dec 2022
A recent successful case highlights the importance of the Criminal Injuries Application Scheme and in particular, the abolition of the ‘same roof’ rule, particularly in the context of non-recent sexual abuse cases.
Compensation for abuse in foster care
Written by Tracey Emmott on 22 Jul 2022
It has been 4 years since the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Armes V Nottinghamshire County Council, enabling victims of abuse by foster carers to seek financial redress from the local authority which placed them in foster care.